
LIFE IN SEASONS vol.1 ~RIKKA/ Start of summer~

Wed, 27 Apr 2016 19:00 - 21:00 JST

COOK COOP studio (cafecompany office)

5-27-8 jingumae shibuya-ku tokyo


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Japan has beautiful seasons, and it has been joy for celebration for many generations. It was simply a part of life, and a specific Japanese calendar“24 seasons”, or “24 solar terms” was created to indicate the subtle changes of seasons.

LIFE IN SEASONS is a new event featuring the 24 solar terms calendar. We’ll be holding our events around major equinoxes of the year, featuring talks on seasonal traditions, workshops on enjoying seasonal food, savouring seasonal sake.

RIKKA/ Start of summer

Rikka is one of 24 solar terms indicating the beginning of Summer, starting on May 5 - the date famous as “Festival of calamus/sweet flag”.
Acorus calamus is a plant known as “Shobu” in Japan, and since its leaves look like samurai sword and it’s name can be also wrote down as “perfection in martial arts”, the festival was honouredby Samurais and than became a festival of boys, parents praying for them to grow up strong.
We’ll celebrate the arrival of summer with workshop of making “Chimaki”- bamboo-wrapped rice cakes, enjoy seasonal tapas with sake pairing. And that’s not to mention the bilingual lecture unveiling history and traditions of “Rikka”celebration!

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2008年、「食」にまつわる本・雑貨・食品などを取り揃えて渋谷でオープンした 食いしん坊から食に携わるプロフェッショナルまで、様々な方が集う たった6坪の小さな“おいしい本屋さん”COOKCOOP。 2013年10月、オープンの時から思い描いていた「おいしいにおいのする本屋さん」になるべく、 キッチンスタジオを併設して、千代田区・紀尾井町にお引越ししました。 2015年9月より、渋谷にて...

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